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Additional Reviews for
One Love Chiropractic

Relaxation To The Body

Heather is a wonderful receptionist, very personable and helpful. I appreciated Dr. Kasten taking the time to talk through some of the science behind chiropractic care and his intention to bring back rest and relaxation to the body. He took time to explain his methods and make sure I understood what he was doing.
~Ellen W.

Very Impressed

I came in with debilitating vertigo, and after one session with Dr. Derek I felt 90% better. We dropped the chiropractor our family had been working with that day and signed up for a comprehensive plan that would address the issues all 3 of us have been experiencing. We’re very impressed.
~Elizabeth D.

In Loving Healing Hands

I cannot say enough positive things about my friend Dr Derek! I say friend because Dr Derek is more than a chiropractor. He has cared for myself and my kids, keeping us healthy and treating us like he would his own family!! We already miss him! Please take my word, you are in loving and healing hands!!
~Sarah G.

Top Notch Chiropractor

I and my 2 sons had the pleasure to get adjusted by Dr. Derek regularly. He is absolutely a top notch chiropractor. My work is very physical and the adjustments have not been easy, but Dr. Derek has always gotten me and my sons back on order. He’s warm and caring presence and precise work are greatly missed by all of us. We have trouble finding a new chiropractic doctor to fill his shoes. I highly recommend Dr. Derek to take care of your whole family from babies to elderly.
~Tarja A.

Letter from the Zilm Family

Parker, Maddie, Craig and Missy Zilm
This is how our Chiropractic story began… A friend wanted me to come with her to a talk her chiropractor was doing on positive thinking. She thought it really aligned with the way I think already. We also had an appointment with an ear, nose and throat specialist the next week to discuss putting tubes in my son’s ears. My friend obviously had another plan for me to attend that night and it was to meet Dr. Derek. I will be eternally grateful to her for this, because that night changed our lives.

My son Parker had ear infections for six months straight starting at the age of 1 and was given seven antibiotics to “cure” them. Every time we went for an appointment at the pediatrician, it was the only recommendation given. I know what overuse of antibiotics can do and it was heartbreaking to fill those prescriptions. We saw no relief, he was still in pain and nighttime was pure misery for him and our entire family. We saw no change and Parker continued to have fevers, a runny nose, ear pain, limited vocabulary and side effects from all the antibiotics. Overall, he was irritable most of the time and started to have equilibrium problems and bumped into everything. He was very unhappy and our delightful child was in a state of chaos. Read more

After two visits of seeing Dr. Derek, Parker already started to see relief and so did mom and dad. We were given many options to help him get well including adjustments, introducing supplements, decreasing dairy and many others. Parker’s body was healing itself with the guidance of optimal care. He started sleeping through the night again, stopped bumping into things, his vocabulary increased tremendously and all of his “sick” symptoms were gone. He was back to being our delightful child. He has gotten regular monthly adjustments from Dr. Derek for the past four years and has been ear infection free. He is a miracle to us every day and continues to be healthy and happy thanks to Dr. Derek…

Zilms kidsFrom the moment I met Dr. Derek, I knew we were in the right place. He cared about our family from the day we arrived and continued to be advocates for our health and wellness during the four years that we were in his care. Our children absolutely love him and got excited to be adjusted by him. He is not in it for the money, he truly believes in healing families and teaching them how to be in optimal health. We have recommended him to so many people and each of them has seen a drastic difference in the quality of their life.

We are truly blessed to have been given the gift of chiropractic care under Dr. Derek. Our family is so thankful for his kindness, personal care, friendship and sharing his knowledge with us. We completely trust him and our lives have been better from knowing him and we are eternally grateful. We are saddened that he is no longer near us, but will always hold a special place in our hearts and know the families in North Carolina will love him as much as we do!

Missy Zilm


Julian Finds Calmness & Balance

If you’re looking for someone who truly cares about YOU, then go see Dr. Derek. He’s helped our entire family, but I’m especially grateful for the care and attention he gave to my toddler son. Learning how to reduce the different types of stress from his body and mind has completely changed our life. I’m not sure where we’d be without him!
~ Erika W.

Dr Mcelroy's baby

The McElroy Family

NC is blessed to have Dr. D and his beautiful family. You will be taken care of mind, body and soul. Dr. Derek is our doc for wellness, physical and emotional healing! He cared for me through my pregnancy, adjusted my newborn and 2 and 1/2 year old son too!

Erin, a two year patient of Dr. Derek, was cared for by him during her pregnancy. Dr. Derek made his final adjustment at 5pm on April 13th and Toran Sean McElroy was welcome into the world at 7:10am on April 14th. Labor started at 10:30pm and the delivery was smooth and easy. Seeing Dr Derek made the pregnancy easier, more comfortable, and relieved tension and physical and emotional stress.

It also kept Erin healthy and able to keep up with her 2 year old and active work schedule.

Toran Patrick McElroy’s 1st adjustment by Dr. D five days after birth!

A happy, healthy and content little man! ~ Erin M

A Happy Ending with Ruthie and Bryce

Our son Bryce was born with a large hematoma on his head (the size of a small lemon). It was likely due to friction during his birth. Bryce’s pediatrician told us it could be months before it went away. We felt bad for our newborn baby because he couldn’t lie down normally. He had to have his head completely turned to the side to avoid laying on the hematoma.


Hematoma Bryce

When Bryce was two weeks old, we took him to Dr. Derek for his first adjustment because he had acid reflux and was fairly fussy. Dr. Derek noticed the hematoma and commented that he could do some work on Bryce’s scull to manipulate the plates and allow for the hematoma to drain faster. We were thrilled to hear this. Dr. D did his work and told us to come back the following week. We brought Bryce back the next week, and there had been no significant change in the hematoma. Dr. D recommended a more intense treatment schedule and told us to bring Bryce in for the next three days. We followed his recommend schedule and Boom! The hematoma was gone by that weekend.


After photo Bryce

Our little boy was then able to lay with his head flat on a surface, and we were and still are so grateful to Dr. D!
~ Ruthie M



Additional One Love Chiropractic Reviews | (828) 505-1584