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Receive a Free copy of Dr. Derek’s eBook

Indifference: Why Our Children Are So Sick

Indifference eBook

  • The Mission: To improve the safety, health and happiness of Asheville, especially for children.
  • The Problem: There are too many kids suffering from preventable chronic dis-ease, and to me, that is NOT acceptable. Furthermore, too many of these children are given medication to cover up their symptoms.
  • Are you or your child suffering from: ADHD, Ear Infections, Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Sensory Integration Disorder, Headaches, Autism, Asperger’s, Colic, Constipation, Bed Wetting, Dyspraxia, Allergies, Asthma, Sinus Infections, a Weak Immune System, Reflux, Torticollis, Behavioral Issues, OCD, GI (Digestive) Issues, Insomnia, Behavioral Issues or Seizures?
  • The Solution: If you are suffering and are looking for a SAFE, NATURAL, DRUG FREE approach to Correct this problem, than this book is for you.

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One Love Chiropractic eBook | (828) 505-1584